Express Yourself

Be who you are and say how you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
--Dr. Seuss

Saturday, September 17, 2016


I read an article from QuietRev today about The Science of Awe and Why It Matters. I thought about how busy I can get and how far away from awe my life and work has taken me. I need more awe in my life. I need to enjoy the aesthetics, so I can be inspired to create. That is where I get my energy. I love to create and be inspired by people, ideas, and experiences that allow me to fly on the wings of awe. As I read, I began to search my inner thoughts which have been jumbled up for a while.  Why can't I remember what I did yesterday or what I ate for lunch?  Why can't I remember names and concepts for more than five minutes? It is because I have been feasting on high doses of the mundane and have not consumed enough awe and quietness. Life is a total blur. Time to put on the brakes!

As I read the article, I found a few websites that brought me back to insight and tranquility. Jason Silva has a website that you might find invigorating and thought provoking. It is called Shots of Awe. The video called Awe is nothing short of inspirational. I leave his Awe video with you today, so that you might get away from the ordinary to renew and rejuvenate your soul. For the introvert, this is essential.

There is another website that can bring a sense of peace as well. It is called Sidetracked Magazine. There are beautiful photos of excursions to  natural wonders that I find breath-taking. When I need a break, I don't have to pay a zillion dollars on flights and hotels, but I can experience a mental minivacation vicariously. Take a field trip to the aesthetically pleasing parts of our world to engage the mind, if only for a 5-10 minutes a day. Free the mundane and journey to the marvelous.

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